Welcome to a brand new edition of our Funding and Grant Opportunities Series, where we bring you the latest funding opportunities from across the continent, including seed funding, accelerator programs, and grant opportunities.
Without breaking speed, let’s explore what new opportunities await African startups!
WomHub Africa Innovation Fellowship Programme 2023 for Women-Owned Engineering Business
The WomHub Africa Innovation Fellowship is an entrepreneurial development programme for women innovators in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, or Mining (STEM). It is designed to help outstanding women grow their visions into profitable & sustainable startup ventures that can stimulate the creation of jobs on the continent.
The initiative also aims to foster gender equality and inclusive economic growth through enterprise development training, mentorship, peer-to-peer learning and financial coaching.
WomHub is calling for all women entrepreneurs in the STEM field across Africa to apply for this cohort of the initiative. In this cohort, all selected applicants will go through a virtual masterclass series focused on idea and business incubation, leadership development, funding, and pitch readiness.
Benefits: participants will get access to high-quality mentors in STEM fields across Africa, pitching opportunities, business exposure and access to funding opportunities through networking.
Application deadline: 5th October 2023
Apply for the WomHub Africa Innovation Fellowship Programme Here
World Summit Award (WSA) Young Innovators Award 2023 for Young Digital Entrepreneurs
WSA is calling on young innovators to showcase their digital impact solutions. The WSA Young Innovators Award is a special recognition initiative for individuals aged under 26 years who are implementing ICT solutions to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
The initiative aims to encourage young individuals with the technical skills and talents to take on UN SDGs. It awards deserving solutions with lifelong partnership and integration opportunities.
Benefits: The WSA operates a non-monetary award system that focuses on sustainable knowledge transfer. Winners of the award will receive lifelong partnership and integration opportunities. These opportunities will give them access to participate in pitching seminars and workshop sessions and access to the WSA community of global experts.
Application deadline: November 10, 2023
Apply for the WSA Young Innovators Award here
THRIVE Global Accelerator Program 2024 for Early to Growth-Stage Startups
The THRIVE Global Accelerator Program is a 12-week enterprise development program for seed to Series A- Stage Startups in Africa. The program is aimed at preparing participating companies for growth and scalability.
The THRIVE Accelerator program places a strong emphasis on innovative companies that are creating sustainable solutions in the agrifood value chain.
Benefits: Access to corporate partners, investment opportunities, expert mentorship, brand exposure, collaboration opportunities, expert sessions, and up to $100k business investment from SVG Ventures upon acceptance into the program.
Application Deadline: November 10, 2023
Apply to the THRIVE Global Accelerator program here
The Mozilla Technology Fund (MTF) 2024 Call for Proposals: AI and Environment Justice
The Mozilla Technology Fund finances research and development focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Specifically, the company aims to improve transparency and eliminate biases in AI development and usage.
In this cohort, the MTF seeks to support open-source projects at the intersection of environmental justice and AI, which are making a positive impact on ecosystems and human communities. It intends to foster the development of technical projects that have a firm grounding in environmental and climate justice, sustainability, and ecology.
MTF calls for proposals from companies or innovations with solutions that expose or mitigate the climate impacts of AI systems, utilize AI to conduct environmental impact assessments, and combat climate disinformation, as well as projects that prototype Grassroots AI systems for ecological management.
Benefits: Accepted proposals will be awarded a $50,000 cash prize and one year of mentorship and support.
Application Deadline: October 5th, 2023
Apply to the Mozilla Technology Fund Here
WFP Innovation Accelerator Digital Green Innovation Acceleration Programme (DGIx)
The Digital Green Innovation Acceleration Programme (DGIx) is organized by the WFP Innovation Accelerator, collaborating with the Smart Development fund, the European Union, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation.
The DGIx aims to support technology-powered solutions addressing pressing environmental challenges. The programme will select ventures, solution providers and consortiums that are at the forefront of digital transformation and playing significant roles in addressing climate change in low to middle-income countries.
Benefits: Selected participants will receive financial, technical, and methodological support from the WFP Innovation Accelerator, SDF, and other partners.
Application Deadline: October 1st, 2023
Apply to the WFP Innovation Accelerator Programme Here